PESHAWAR: November 23, 2008- Water table is going down in Peshawar city and a number of tube-wells have dried up in various areas.
The city district government has appealed to the provincial and federal governments for taking urgent steps to bring the alarming situation under control, Daily Times learnt by conducting a survey. Peshawar city has about 150 tube-wells; out of which, 30 have dried up due to lowering of water table.
Dr Shahida Zakir of Environmental Sciences Department of the University of Peshawar said a large number of tube-wells, anthropogenic activities and growing population were key factors affecting water table in the city. More >>>
[Environmental challenges—such as land degradation, deforestation, climate change, and water scarcity and pollution—can threaten global, national, and human security. These factors can contribute to conflict or exacerbate other causes such as poverty, migration, and infectious diseases. However, managing environmental issues and natural resources can also build confidence and contribute to peace by facilitating cooperation across lines of tension. Wilson Center Editor]