Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bin Laden deputy warns Pakistan the US wants to seize its nuclear arsenal

Zawahiri tries to halt slide in support for al-Qaida in country by playing on fears that Washington is orchestrating violence

Wednesday 15 July 2009 - Osama bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, has attempted to halt al-Qaida's plunging popularity in Pakistan by exploiting widely held fears that the US is plotting to seize the country's nuclear bombs.
In an audio message released today Zawahiri warned Pakistanis that the US was striving to "break up this nuclear-capable country and transform it into tiny fragments, loyal to and dependent on the neo-crusaders".
"The only hope to save Pakistan from this disastrous fate is jihad," said Zawahiri who, along with Bin Laden, is believed to be sheltering in the tribal belt along the Afghan border. He called on Pakistanis to band together and form a "citadel of Islam" on the subcontinent. More >>>