Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Should geoengineering be used to address global warming?

If humans heated the earth, perhaps our technology can cool it, too. A look at the science of geoengineering and how it might be used to address global warming.

May 3, 2010 -The time for barely muffled chuckles and rolled eyes is over. Scientists, ethicists, and legal experts are now quite soberly thinking about how humans should mess with the world's climate – with the goal of keeping it as close to what we are used to as possible.

But as it stands today, geoengineering – as climate modification is being called – is little more than a shopping bag full of sometimes outrageous-sounding proposals and theories. Little is known about whether they would work in the real world.
Deciding which geoengineering ideas to test – and how to do it safely – presents a huge stumbling block. The effects could be global, but getting all nations to agree on any particular measure could prove to be a Herculean task. More >>>
In treating the illness of a sick planet it may be as well to operate under the maxim of ‘do no harm’. This is the only inhabitable planet in this solar system, and if we get it wrong the outcome could be disasterous. Editor