“Combating desertification in SAARC countries including Pakistan remains one of the enduring challenges of the 21st century because it directly affects our economy, environment and leads to poverty,” he told APP on Sunday.
Due to desertification, global warming and climatic change, he said, fertile lands of SAARC countries are being gradually converted into barren and arid lands, which are not only affecting our agriculture growth, industrialization and economy but enhances the chances of natural disasters in forms of floods and cyclones in future.
The global warming, climatic change and desertification are a very complex issue and is a multidimensional phenomenon and all range states should joined hands to provide healthy environment to future generations, he added.
The Minister said these issues caused repaid change in climates and decrease in rainfalls. Glaciers are melting fast, which are causing floods, sighting 2010 floods, he added.
The populations, who are living close to sea are being migrated to move safer places due to upward increase in sea level. According to environmentalists, 80 percent land of our country is arid and semi-arid, therefore is vulnerable to desertification.
About two-thirds of our population depends on dry land areas prone to desertification, drought and flash floods. More >>>
Location: Islamabad