Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Strengthening the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development (IFSD)

Strengthening the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development (IFSD)

UNITAR E-Learning Course

5 November – 14 December 2012

Dear Colleagues,

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is pleased to announce the delivery of the e-learning course, “Strengthening the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development”, which will take place from 5 November – 14 December 2012. Participants will learn about the current institutional architecture concerned with sustainable development, emerging policy issues requiring an effective institutional response, and political challenges to advance reform as reflected in the negotiations leading up to, and during the Rio+20 Conference.

Please feel free to disseminate information about this course through your networks, and do not hesitate to contact us ( should you need any further information.


The UNITAR Environmental Governance Programme Team


Since the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, the institutional framework to address environment and sustainable development challenges has witnessed a steady growth in the number of institutions and agreements, with more than 500 multilateral environmental agreements currently in existence. Yet the continuing deterioration in the natural resource base and ecosystems, global climate change and persistent poverty raise doubts about the capacity of the institutional framework to address these challenges. The 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) reaffirmed the need to strengthen the institutional framework for sustainable development (IFDS) and initiated specific action to foster more effective and coherent institutional responses.

Target Groups

The course targets groups and individuals that are interested in obtaining a general understanding about the theme of international sustainable development governance and latest developments. They include:

• Civil servants in national Ministries, provincial departments and local authorities

• Diplomats from Permanent Missions and Ministries of Foreign Affairs

• Environmental managers in private sector and civil society organizations

• Faculty, researchers and students

• Interested citizens

Learning Objectives

Participants will learn about the strengths and weaknesses of the current institutional architecture concerned with sustainable development, key emerging policy issues requiring an effective institutional response, and the political challenges to advance reform as reflected in the negotiations leading up to, and during the Rio+20 Conference.

After completing the course, participants will be able to:

• Explain sustainable development challenges demanding effective international institutions

• Outline key milestones of developing and reforming international institutions concerned with sustainable development

• Chart and analyze the current international IFSD

• Recognize linkages between international, national and sub-national sustainable development governance

• Analyze key policy issues relevant for the Rio+20 negotiations and beyond

• Assess options to strengthen the institutional framework for sustainable development


The course pedagogy is adapted to professionals in full-time work. Participants are provided with the opportunity to learn through various experiences: absorb (read); do (activity); interact (socialize); and reflect (relate to one’s own reality). The total number of learning hours is 40 over a 6 week period. During weeks 1-5 the reading of an e-book is complemented by a range of learning activities and experiences that include interactive exercises, discussion forums, and an applied case study. Week 6 is reserved for wrap-up and completing course assignments.

Course Fee and Registration

The course participation fee is 600 USD. A small number of full/partial fellowships are available for participants from developing countries working in the public sector, academia or non-profit organizations. Priority for fellowships will be given to applicants from Least Developed Countries (LDCs).

Register at:

For details please contact the UNITAR Environmental Governance Programme at:

Registration Deadline: 28 October 2012.